SN WideWheelchairGirl500x581Why Offer Music Therapy?

Because The Music Place is committed to value the uniqueness of each child, we have always taught to the needs of the child rather than to the style or ease of the instructor. It is this philosophy that drives us to develop new curricula and to look for new ways to enhance our effectiveness in helping every child feel special regardless of perceived limitations.

We have taught and loved students with hearing and visual impairments, speech and communication delays as well as children struggling with issues affecting their physical, social and emotional development such as depression, hyperactivity, and multiple physical disabilities.  Why? Because music unites kids’ hearts, is a universal healer, AND because it is our great delight to help these precious students unwrap the gift of music inside of them.

Where and when do you offer Music Therapy?

Music Therapy and adaptive lessons (also offered through our music education partner, The Music Place) are offered weekday afternoons & evenings with limited openings 9-5PM on Saturdays. Therapy is offered at four Campus Centers:

What? There could be Insurance Reimbursement??

Many private insurance companies now cover Music Therapy sessions. Our therapists prepare bi-annual Assessment and Treatment Goals Forms plus CPT codes for monthly invoices that families may submit for insurance reimbursement consideration.

  • What is Music Therapy?
  • See FAQ regarding adaptive lessons & music therapy
  • How to get started in music therapy
  • Find parent resources for special needs